Yurtiçi Yayınlar

1. Bayraklı F, Sav A, Peker S: Bilateral talamik glioma. Nobel Medicus (Kabul edildi)

2. Yıldız E, Peker S, Çizmeli O, Pamir MN: Dural arteriovenöz fistül (DAVF) tedavisinde kombine yaklaşım: Süperselektif embolizasyon ve gamma knife radyocerrahisi. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 1(3):162-166, 2010

3. Akgün Y, Peker S: Tremor tedavisinde cerrahi Girişimler. Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 1(3):123-127, 2010

4. Bayraklı F, Peker S: Sylvian fissure lipoma: Case report. Sinir SistemiCerrahisi Dergisi 2(3):165-168,2009

5. Peker S, Bayraklı F: Oküler patolojilerde radyocerrahi. Türkiye KlinikleriNöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 78-82, 2009

6. Peker S: Fonksiyonel hastalıkların tedavisinde radyocerrahi. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 70-77, 2009

7. Peker S, Pamir MN: Kafa kaidesi tümörlerinde radyocerrahi. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 42-46, 2009

8. Peker S, Pamir MN: Schwannomaların tedavisinde radyocerrahi. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 35-41, 2009

9. Peker S, Pamir MN: Meningioma tedavisinde radyocerrahi. TürkiyeKlinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 31-34, 2009

10. Peker S, Pamir MN: Vasküler patolojilerin tedavisinde radyocerrahi.Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 13-19, 2009

11. Peker S, Pamir MN: Radyocerrahinin tarihçesi ve uygulaması. Türkiye Klinikleri Nöroşirürji-Radyocerrahi Özel Sayısı 2 (1): 1-7, 2009

12. Yener U, Bayraklı F, Vardareli E, Sav A, Peker S: Intradiploic meningioma mimicking calvarial metastasis: Case report. Turk Neurosurg 19:297-301, 2009

13. Bayraklı F, Dinçer A, Sav A, Vardareli E, Peker S: Late brainstem radionecrosis seventeen years after fractionated radiotherapy. Turk Neurosurg 19: 182-185,2009
14. Bayraklı F, Peker S: Intradiploic epidermoid cyst in a patient with breast cancer history. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 2:27-29,2009

15. Bayraklı F, Çankaya T, Bayraklı Ş, Güney İ, Peker S: Kordomalarda sitogenetik ve moleküler genetik. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 1:259-263,2008

16. Bayraklı F, Peker S, Pamir MN: Haemophilus aphrophilus beyin absesi: olgu sunumu. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 1: 251-253,2008

17. Peker S, Bayraklı F: Epilepsi tedavisinde radyocerrahi uygulaması. Epilepsi 14: 198-206, 2008

18. Bayraklı F, Sav A, Peker S: Granüler hücreli astrositom: Olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 1:185-189, 2008

19. Bayraklı F, Peker S, Sun İ, Yapıcıer Ö, Pamir MN: Pineal glioblastoma multiforme: Olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 1:176-180, 2008

20. Bayraklı F, Peker S, Yapıcıer Ö, Pamir MN: An adult case of medullomyoblastoma extending to the supratentorial area. Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Dergisi 1:126-129, 2008

21. Peker S: Ağrı tedavisinde radyocerrahi. Klinik Gelişim 20: 202-205, 2007

22. Peker S, Şengöz M: Ağrı tedavisinde gamma knife radyocerrahisinin kullanımı. Ağrı 19: 11-15, 2007

● Peker S, Sun IH, Pamir MN: Cerrahi alanda unutulan pamuk pedin MR bulguları. Marmara Medical Journal 20:193-195, 2007

23. Peker S: Hipofiz adenomlarında gamma knife uygulaması. Türkiye Klinikleri Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri, Nöroşirürji 2:51-57, 2006

24. Özgen S, Konya D, Güdük M, Peker S, Pamir MN: Intramedullary cavernoma: A case report. Marmara Medical Journal 16:279-282, 2003

25. Konya D, Urgun K, Peker S, Kurtkaya Ö, Elmacı İ, Pamir MN: Düşük dereceli fibriller astrositomanın neden olduğu intraserebral hematom: Olgusunumu. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 9;1-3: 40-42, 2003

26. Peker S, Bayraklı F, Konya D, Onultan O, Pamir MN: Zırhlanmış Beyin: Olgu sunumu. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 9: 1-3: 48-50, 2003

27. Peker S, Özduman K, Özgen S, Pamir MN: Delayed intracerebral hemorrhage after ventriculoperitoneal shunting. Marmara Medical Journal 17:28-31, 2004
28. Konya D, Kılıç T, Peker S, Baltacıoğlu F, Çekirge S, Pamir MN: DerinYerleşimli Arterio-Venöz Malformasyon Olgularının Gamma-Knife İle Tedavi Sonuçları. Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi 10:51-56, 2004

29. Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Trigeminal nevralji tedavisinde Gamma Knife radyocerrahisi. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 14:15-21, 2004

30. Peker S, Sun İ, Özgen S, Kurtkaya-Yapıcıer Ö, Pamir MN:Hemangioblastoma of the spinal nerve root: A case report. Marmara Medical Journal 16:219-221, 2003

31. Konya D, Peker S, Bayraklı F, Elmacı İ, Pamir MN: Cerebellarhemorrhagic infarction after pterional craniotomy: Analysis of pathogenetical mechanisms. Marmara Medical Journal 16:12-15, 2003

32. Özgen S, Konya D, Peker S, Pamir MN: The potential causative factors in discitis after lumbar microdiscectomy. Marmara Medical Journal 16:79-84, 2003

33. Özgen S, Elmacı İ, Peker S, Güçlü B, Hacıhanefioğlu M, Pamir MN:Servikal lateral masslara plak-rod uygulaması: 22 olgu. Türk NöroşirürjiDergisi 13(3): 250-257, 2003

34. Peker S, Pamir MN: Trigeminal nevralji tarihçesi. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi13(3): 227-234, 2003

35. Peker S, Güdük M, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Anterior tarsal tünel sendromu. Olgu sunumu. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 13(3): 274-277, 2003

36. Kılıç T, Peker S, Konya D, Baltacıoğlu F, Çekirge S, Pamir MN: Büyük AVM’lerin tedavisinde embolizasyon ve Gamma-Knife tedavisinin birlikte kullanımı. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 13(2): 157-164, 2003

37. Peker S, Konya D, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Perimezensefalik anevrizmalolmayan subaraknoid kanamalar. Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi9: 47-50, 2003

38. Kılıç T, Peker S, Konya D, Baltacıoğlu F, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife ile tedavi edilmiş AVM olgularının ikinci yıl sonuçları. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 12(2):139-148,2002

39. Peker S, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Tremor tedavisinde Gamma Knife. Olgu sunumu. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi 8(1):107-112, 2002

40. Kılıç T, Şeker A, Peker S, Şengöz M, Deyneli O, Akalın S, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife ışıncerrahisi uygulanan hipofiz adenom olgularının radyolojik ve endokrinolojik sonuçlarının birinci yıl analizi. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 12(1): 24-30, 2002

41. Elmacı İ, Bayraklı F, Kurtkaya Ö, Peker S, Sav A, Pamir MN: Erişkin Hastada Serebellar Gangliogliom (Olgu Sunumu), Türk Patoloji Dergisi, 17(3-4), 81-84, 2001

42. Peker S: Nöroşirürjide konsültasyonlar: Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 11(2):146-147,2001

43. Boran BO, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Erdivanlı B, Pamir MN: GammaKnife radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases. Turkish Neurosurgery 11(1-2): 9-17, 2001

44. Hiçdönmez T, Deniz L, Kılıç T, Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife uygulanan Vestibuler Schwannoma olgularının radyolojik ve odyolojik sonuçları. Türk Nöroşirürji dergisi 11(1): 37-42, 2001

45. Kılıç T, Peker S, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife ışın cerrahisi: Tekniği, Endikasyonları, Sonuçları, Sınırları. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 10(2): 115-137, 2000

46. Özgen S, Pamir MN, Naderi S, Peker S: Travmatik servikal instabilitede lateral mass plaklaması. Nörolojik Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1:29-33, 1998

47. Çolak A, Peker S, Gürçay Ö, Önol B: Isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy due to chordoma. Turkish Neurosurg 4:164-165, 1993

48. Çataltepe O, Peker S, Özgen T, Özcan OE, Erbengi A: Serebral Arteriovenöz malformasyonlarda tedavi: 104 olgunun incelenmesi. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2: 50-54, 1991

49. Demirci M, Varlı K, Nurlu G, Kayserili B, Peker S: Multipl sklerozda intravenöz yüksek doz metilprednizolon tedavisinin vizüel uyarılmış potansiyeller üzerine etkisi . Gazi Tıp Dergisi 2: 197-199, 1991

Yurtdışı Yayınlar

  1. Üçüncü Kefeli A, Şengöz M, Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for hemorrhagic brainstem cavernomas: Turk Neurosurg 2017 Dec 17. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.21690-17.1. [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Pekic S, Bogoslavjevic V, Peker S et al: Lymphocytic hypophysitis successfully treated with stereotactic radiosurgery: Case report and review of the literature. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 79(1):77-85, 2018
  3. Özyurt O, Dinçer A, Yıldız E, Peker S, Yılmaz M, Şengöz M, Öztürk C: Integration of arterial spin labeling into stereotactic radiosurgery planning of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. J Magn Reson Imaging 46(6):1718-1727, 2017
  4. Peker S, Şirin A: Primary trigeminal neuralgia and the role of pars oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Med Hypotheses 100:15-18, 2017
  5. Arslan Kabalay I, Tezcanlı E, Yılmaz M, Çzmeli O, Şengöz M, Peker S: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for AVM’s: A clinical series of 199 patients. Turkish Neurosurgery 27(2):301-308, 2017
  6. Üçüncü Kefeli A, Yılmaz M, Şengöz M, Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for tumors of the endolympathic sac: Report of three cases. Turk Neurosurgery 27(4):665-669, 2017
  7. Peker S, Şirin A: Parallels between phantom pain and tinnitus. Med Hypotheses 91:95-97, 2016
  8. Yıldız E, Yolcu S, Dinçer A, Peker S: Volume of the Cisternal Portion of the Trigeminal Nerve: A Study with 3.0-Tesla Constructive-Interference-in-Steady-State Imaging of Healthy Subjects. Turkish J Neuro Sci 32: 106-114, 2015
  9. Peker S: Nikola Tesla, Humble Genius. Turk Neurosurg 24:821-822, 2014
  10. Abacıoğlu U, Özen Z, Yılmaz M, Arifoğlu A, Günhan B, Peker S, Şengöz M, Gürdallı S, Cozzi L: Critical appraisal of RapidArc radiosurgery with flattening filter free photon beams for benign brain lesions in comparison to Gamma Knife: a treatment planning study. Radiat Oncol 9:119, 2014
  11. Şengöz M, Arslan Kabalay İ, Tezcanlı E, Peker S, Pamir MN: Treatment of brainstem metastasis with gamma knife radiosurgery. J Neuroncol 113 (1):33-38, 2013
  12. Peker S, Usseli İ, Pamir MN: Trigeminal neuralgia due to brainstem vascular malformations: Report of two cases review of the literature. Turkish J Neuro Sci 29:594-597, 2012
  13. Peker S, Şengöz M, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for jugular foramen schwannomas. Neurosurg Rev 35:549-553, 2012
  14. Sun İ, Ceyhan Ş, Peker S: Superficial siderosis due to third ventricular cavernoma: Case report. Turkish J Neuro Sci 29:141-145, 2012
  15. Erdur FM, Kılıç T, Peker S, Çelik Ö, Kadıoğlu P: Gamma knife radiosurgery in patients with acromegaly. J Clin Neurosci 18:1616-1620, 2011
  16. Bayraklı F, Sav A, Peker S: Bilateral thalamic glioma. Nobel Medicus 6:98-100, 2010
  17. Timmermann L, Pauls KA, Wieland K, Jech R, Kurlemann G, Sharma N, Gill SS, Haenggeli CA, Hayflick SJ, Hogarth P, Leenders KL, Limousin P, Malanga CJ, Moro E, Ostrem JL, Revilla FJ, Santens P, Schnitzler A, Tisch S, Valldeoriola F, Vesper J, Volkmann J, Woitalla D, Peker S: Dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: outcome of bilateral pallidal stimulation 2010 Mar;133(Pt 3):701-12.
  18. Toktas O, Bicer A, Demirci G, Pazarli H, Abacioglu U, Peker S, Kilic T: Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery yields good long-term outcomes for low-volume uveal melanomas without intraocular complications. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 17:441-445, 2010
  19. Genç A, Biçer A, Abacıoğlu U, Peker S, Pamir MN, Kılıç T: Gamma knife radiosurgery for the treatment of glomus jugulare tumors. J Neurooncol 97: 101-108, 2010
  20. Pamir MN, Özduman K, Dinçer A, Yıldız E, Peker S, Özek MM: First intraoperative, shared-resource, ultrahigh-field 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging system and its application in low-grade glioma resection. J Neurosurg 112: 57-69, 2010
  21. Bayraklı F, Dinçer A, Sav A, Vardareli E, Peker S: Late brain stem radionecrosis seventeen years after fractionated radiotherapy. Turk Neurosurg 19:182-185, 2009
  22. Peker S, Dinçer A, Pamir MN: Vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve is a frequent finding in asymptomatic individuals: 3-T MR imaging of 200 trigeminal nerves using 3D CISS sequences. Acta Neurochir 151: 1081-1088, 2009
  23. Yener U, Bayraklı F, Vardareli E, Sav A, Peker S: Intradiploic meningioma mimicking calvarial metastasis: Case report. Turk Neurosurg 19:297-301, 2009
  24. Şeker A, Toktaş Z, Peker S, Batırel HA, Pamir MN: Asystole due to Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex: A Rare Complication of Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenoma. J Clin Neurosci 16: 338-340, 2009
  25. Peker S, Işık U, Akgün Y, Özek M: Deep Brain Stimulation for Holmes’ Tremor Related to a Thalamic Abscess. Childs Nervous System 24: 1057-62, 2008
  26. Peker S, Bayraklı F, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Gamma-knife radiosurgery in the treatment of trigeminal schwannomas. Acta Neurochir 149: 1133-1137, 2007
  27. Pamir MN, Peker S, Bayraklı F, Kılıç T, Özek MM: Surgical treatment of trigeminal schwannomas. Neurosurg Rev 30:329-337, 2007
  28. Pamir MN, Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M: Efficacy of gamma-knife surgery for treating meningiomas that involve the superior sagittal sinus. Zentralbl Neurochir 68:73-78, 2007
  29. Pamir MN, Peker S, Özek MM, Dinçer A: Intraoperative MR imaging: preliminary results with 3 tesla MR system. Acta Neurochir Suppl 98: 97-100, 2006
  30. Peker S, Pamir MN: Microanatomy of the central myelin-peripheral myelin transition zone of the trigeminal nerve (Letter). Neurosurgery 60: E582, 2006
  31. Pamir MN, Peker S: Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia: a long-term follow-up study. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 49: 342-346, 2006
  32. Peker S, Kurtkaya Ö, Üzün İ, Pamir MN: Microanatomy of the central myelin-peripheral myelin transition zone of the trigeminal nerve. Neurosurgery 59: 354-359,2006
  33. Konya D, Peker S, Özgen S, Kurtkaya Ö, Pamir MN: Superficial siderosis due to papillary glioneuronal tumor. J Clin Neurosci 13: 950-952, 2006
  34. Pamir MN, Kılıç T, Bayraklı F, Peker S: Changing treatment strategy of cavernous sinus meningiomas: experience of a single institution. Surg Neurol 64:S2;58-66, 2005
  35. Peker S, Sun I, Kurtkaya-Yapıcıer Ö, Elmacı I, Pamir MN: Ectopic pituitary adenoma located at the pituitary stalk: Case report. J Neurosurg Sci 49(1):25-29, 2005
  36. Peker S, Çerçi A, Özgen S, Işık N, Kalelioğlu M, Pamir MN: Spinal meningiomas: Evaluation of 41 patients. J Neurosurg Sci 49(1):7-11, 2005
  37. Peker S, Kurtkaya-Yapıcıer Ö, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Microsurgical anatomy of the lateral walls of the pituitary fossa. Acta Neurochirurgica 147:641-649, 2005
  38. Peker S, Pamir MN: Cavernous hemangiomas. (Letter to the Editor). J Neurosurg 102:962-963, 2005
  39. Peker S, Sun İ, Kurtkaya Ö, Sav A, Pamir MN: Suprasellar hemangioblastoma. Report of two cases and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Neurosciences 12:85-89,2005
  40. Peker S, Pamir MN: Trigeminal neuralgia in a patient with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). Journal of Clinical Neurosciences 12:173-175,2005
  41. Peker S, Abacıoğlu U, Bayraklı F, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Radiosurgical treatment of cavernous sinus plasmacytoma in a patient with breast cancer history. Surgical Neurology 63:174-176,2005
  42. Peker S, Sun I, Akansel G, Pamir MN: Trigeminal neuralgia due to pontine infarction. Headache 44:1043-1045,2004
  43. Peker S, Özgen S, Özek MM, Pamir MN: Surgical treatment of intramedullary spinal cord ependymomas: Can outcome be predicted by tumor parameters? J Spinal Dis Tech 17:516-521,2004
  44. Peker S, Abacıoğlu U, Sun İ, Konya D, Yüksel M, Pamir MN: Prophylactic effects of magnesium and vitamin E in rat spinal cord radiation damage: evaluation based on lipid peroxidation levels. Life Sciences 75:1523-1530, 2004
  45. Peker S, Abacıoğlu U, Sun İ, Yüksel M, Pamir MN: Irradiation after surgically induced brain injury in the rat: Timing in relation to severity of radiation damage. J Neurooncol 70:17-21, 2004
  46. Peker S, Ozduman K, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Relief of hemifacial spasm after radiosurgery for intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma: case report. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 47: 235-237, 2004
  47. Pamir MN, Peker S, Özgen S, Kılıç T, Türe U, Özek MM: Anterior transcallosal approach to the colloid cysts of the third ventricle: Case series and review of the literature. Zentralblatt für Neurochirurgie 65:108-115, 2004
  48. Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Radiosurgical treatment of cavernous sinus cavernous haemangiomas. Acta Neurochirurgica 146:337-341, 2004
  49. Elmacı İ, Kurtkaya Ö, Peker S, Tuncer N, Adam B, Özgen S, Ekinci G, Türe U, Pamir MN: Cervical spinal cord intramedullary abscess. Case report. J Neurosurg Sci 45: 213-215, 2001
  50. Türe U, Hiçdönmez T, Elmacı İ, Peker S: Giant pericallosal artery aneurysm: case report and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev 24:151-155, 2001
  51. Türe U, Hiçdönmez T, Elmacı İ, Peker S: Solid-calcified colloid cyst of the third ventricle. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 103:51-55, 2001
  52. Palaoğlu S, Bavbek M, Peker S, Önol B, Sungur A, Erbengi A: Ossified somatotropinoma. Surg Neurol 41:143-146, 1994
  53. Caner HH, Atasever A, Kılınç K, Durgun B, Peker S, Özcan OE: Lipid peroxide level increase in experimental hydrocephalus. Acta Neurochir 121:68-71, 1993
  54. Peker S, Çelik H, Eryılmaz M, Gürçay Ö: Iohexol CT-Ventriculogram of multiple cerebral hydatid cysts. AJNR 12:797, 1991
  55. Caner HH, Peker S, Özcan OE: Effects of Hydrocephalus on the sympathetic nerves of cerebral arteries, investigated with WGA-HRP anterograd tracing in the rat. Acta Neurochir 111:143-146, 1991
  56. Açıkgöz B, Özgen T, Erbengi A, Peker S, Bertan V, Sağlam S: Wrestling Causing Paraplegia. Paraplegia 28:265-268, 1990
  57. Peker S, Akkurt C, Özcan OE: Multiple thoracic disc herniations. Acta Neurochir 107: 167-170, 1990

Yurtiçi Kongreler

Uluslararası Kongreler


  1. Sezen D, Bölükbaşı Y, Atasoy AI, Alpan V, Sağlam Y, Selek U, Peker S: Frameless fractionated Gamma Knife radiosurgery in three to five fractions. Leksell Gamma Knife Society Meeting, Dubai, 2018
  2. Atasoy AI, Bölükbaşı Y, Sezen D, Sağlam Y, Alpan V, Selek U, Peker S: The clinical pathway of fractionated treatments in Gamma Knife Icon. Leksell Gamma Knife Society Meeting, Dubai, 2018
  3. Şirin A, Şengöz M, Yılmaz M, Peker S: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for facial nerve schwannomas. 13th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, May 28-June 1, 2017, Montreoux, Switzerland
  4. Peker S: Stereotactic biopsy for brainstem lesions. First Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society, 31 October 2015, Belgrad, Serbia
  5. Peker S: Radiosurgery for behavioral disorders. 2nd Meeting of South East Europe Neurosurgical Society, 22-24 October 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
  6. Peker S, Yılmaz M, Çakaloğlu HC, Şengöz M: Gamma knife radiosurgery for olfactory groove meningiomas. Annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 27-30 September 2015, New Orleans, USA
  7. Peker S: Radiosurgery for behavioral disorders. Annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 27-30 September 2015, New Orleans, USA
  8. Peker S, Arslan Kabalay İ, Tezcanlı E, Yılmaz M, Şengöz M: Gamma knife radiosurgery for recurrent high grade gliomas. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neurooncology, Miami, Florida, USA, 13-16 November 2014
  9. Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for parasagittal meningiomas. 10th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Astana, Kazakistan, September 2014
  10. Bolluk Kılıç B, Peker S: Multiple target deep brain stimulation for Holmes tremor. ASSFN Biennial Meeting, Mayıs 2014, Washington DC, USA
  11. Peker S, Üçüncü Kefeli A, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for brainstem cavernomas. 65th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, 1st Joint Meeeting with the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 2014, Dresden, Germany
  12. Peker S, Arslan Kabalay I, Tezcanli EK, Şengöz M, Çizmeli O, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for AVM’s: A clinical series of 199 patients. 65th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, 1st Joint Meeeting with the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 2014, Dresden, Germany
  13. Abacıoğlu U, Özen Z, Arifoğlu A, Günhan B, Kayalılar N, Yılmaz M, Peker S, Şengöz M, Gürdallı S, Cozzi L: VMAT radiosurgery with flattening filter free photon beams for benign brain lesions in comparison to Gamma Knife. ESTRO Meeting, April 2014, Wien, Germany
  14. Peker S: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for AVM’s: A clinical series of 199 patients. The 1st International Conference “Actual Problems of Neurosurgery” Nisan 2014, Buhara, Uzbekistan
  15. Tezcanlı E, Yılmaz M, Şengöz M, Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for schwannomas in children and adolescents.  Neuro-Oncology, Abstracts from the 16th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology in conjunction with the 8th St. Jude-VIVA Forum, June 28 – July 2, 2014, Singapore suppl 1; 16 (Suppl 1),  i127-i136.
  16. Peker S: Gamma knife surgery for vestibular schwannomas. Regional Conference of the Jordanian Society of Neurological Surgeons, November 2013, Dead Sea, Jordan
  17. Peker S: How radiosurgery changed the practice of neurosurgery. 1st Congress of Southeast European Neurosurgical Society (SEENS), October 2013, Belgrad, Serbia
  18. Sengoz M, Arslan Kabalay I, Tezcanli E, Peker S, Pamir N. Treatment of Brainstem Metastases with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRT, ISRS Abstracts, June 2013, Toronto, Canada
  19. Şengöz M, Arslan Kabalay İ, Tezcanlı E, Peker S, Pamir MN: Treatment of brainstem metastases with gamma knife radiosurgery. 11th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress (ISRS), 16-18 June 2013, Toronto, Canada
  20. Tezcanlı E, Şengöz M, Yılmaz M, Özek M, Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for pediatric arteriovenous malformations. Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society Meeting, 8-11 May 2013, Louisville, USA
  21. Tezcanlı E, Şengöz M, Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for pediatric pilocytic astrocytomas. Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society Meeting, JUne 2011, Venice, Italy
  22. Peker S, Şengöz MN, Arman F, Pamir MN: Seizure outcome after gamma knife radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations. 10th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, 8-12 May 2011, Paris, France
  23. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for jugular foramen schwannomas. 10th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, 8-12 May 2011, Paris, France
  24. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for jugular foramen schwannomas. 1st Anatolian Asian Friendship Meeting, February 2011, İstanbul
  25. Peker S: Gamma knife radiosurgery for juguler foramen schwannomas. EGKS Meeting, November 2010, İstanbul
  26. Peker S, Yıldız E, Pamir MN: Volume of the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve in healthy subjects. CNS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, October 2010
  27. Öztürk Ö, Peker S, Üneri C: Sensorineural hearing loss as a complication of gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery: A report of two cases. The Egyptian International Otolaryngology Congress, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2010
  28. Peker S, Akgün Y, Şengöz M: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for treatment of tremor. 15th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Atihens, Greece, 2010
  29. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for cavernous hemangiomas of cavernous sinus. 15th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Athens, Greece, 2010
  30. Peker S, Şengöz M, Özek MM, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for pilocytic astrocytomas. 1st Middle East Neurosurgical Symposia, 8-11 April 2010, İstanbul
  31. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas. 1st Middle East Neurosurgical Symposia, 8-11 April 2010, İstanbul
  32. Kara Ö, Baykan N, Ustalar Özgen S, Peker S, İşbir O: Deep brain stimulation and anesthesia. 2nd World Congress of Total Intravenous Anaesthesia, 23-25 April 2009, Berlin, Germany
  33. Peker S, Şengöz M: Gamma Knife radiosurgery of pilocytic astrocytomas. 13th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Quebec City, Canada, 2008
  34. Işık U, Peker S, Belirgen M, Özek MM: Treatment of Holmes (rubral) tremor with ventral intermedius nucleus deep brain stimulation. 7th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress, 26-29 September 2007, Kuşadası, İzmir
  35. Işık U, Peker S, Özek MM: Pallidal stimulation in two children with dystonia secondary to pantothenate kinase associated neurodegeneration. 7th European Paediatric Neurology Society Congress, 26-29 September 2007, Kuşadası, İzmir
  36. Kılıç T, Toktaş Z, Abacıoğlu U, Pazarlı H, Peker S, Pami MN: Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery: The treatment of choice for uveal melanomas. 5th Meeting of Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology, 2-4 November 2007, Istanbul
  37. Kılıç T, Belirgen M, Peker S, Abacıoğlu U, Pamir MN: Volume changes following gamma knife radiosurgery of cavernous sinus meningiomas. 5th Meeting of Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology, 2-4 November 2007, Istanbul
  38. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for cavernous sinus cavernous hemangiomas. Annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 15-20 September 2007, San Diego, ABD
  39. Peker S, Dinçer A, Pamir MN: Vascular Compression of Trigeminal Nerve in Normal Individuals: 3 Tesla MR Examination of 200 Nerves with 3D CISS Sequence. Annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 15-20 September 2007, San Diego, ABD
  40. Peker S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for cavernous sinus cavenous hemangiomas. 8th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress, 23-27 June 2007, San Francisco, ABD
  41. Peker S, Akgün Y, Kaya D, Işık U: Movement disorder surgery: Experience of single surgeon. 11th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. 3-7 June 2007, İstanbul
  42. İşbakan F, Şengöz M, Peker S, Bilge H, Büyüksaraç B, Özen Z, Ülgen Y: 3-D Gamma knife dose distribution by normoxic gel dosimetry near tissue inhomogenities. 12th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Seul, South Korea, 2006
  43. Peker S, Atasoy BM, Abacıoğlu U, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for uveal melanoma. 13th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Seul, South Korea, 2006
  44. Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas. 7th ISRS Congress, 11-15 September 2005, Brusells, Belgium
  45. Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife radiosurgery for the treatment of skull base meningiomas. 7th ISRS Congress, 11-15 September 2005, Brussels, Belgium
  46. Peker S, Atasoy BM, Şengöz M, Abacıoğlu U, Kılıç T, Pamir MN: Stereotactic radiosurgery after external radiotherapy for nasopharynx carcinoma. 7th ISRS Congress, 11-15 September 2005, Brussels, Belgium
  47. Atasoy BM, Abacioglu U, Peker S, Kilic T, Sengoz M, Pamir MN: Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, ECCO 13- The European Cancer Conference, Paris, European Journal of Cancer Supplements Vol. 3, (No. 2), 411, 2005
  48. Pamir MN, Peker S, Dinçer A, Özek MM: Intraoperative MR imaging: Preliminary results with 3T MR system. Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica 13th Convention, 1-3 September 2005, Bamberg, Germany
  49. Abacıoğlu U, Şengöz M, Tezcanlı E, Akpulat S, Peker S, Sav A, Pamir MN: Treatment results of oligodendroglial tumors and prognostic significance of MIB-1 labeling indices. XXIII. World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 26-30 May 2005, İstanbul, Türkiye
  50. Abacıoğlu U, Şengöz M, Tezcanlı E, Akpulat S, Peker S, Sav A: Prognostic significance of MIB-1 labeling indices for oligodendroglial tumors. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) May 13 – 17, 2005, Orlando, FL, USA
  51. Kılıç T, Belirgen M, Peker S, Pamir MN: Pituitary adenomas treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery: Volumetric analysis of 100 cases with a minimum of 3 years’ follow-up. AANS Meeting, 2005, New Orleans, USA
  52. Pamir MN, Peker S: Microsurgical anatomy of the lateral walls of the pituitary fossa. 6th International Congress on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Nagoya, Japan, 2005
  53. Pamir MN, Peker S: Microanatomical structure of the peripheral-central myelin transitional zone of the fifth nerve. 6th International Congress on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Nagoya, Japan, 2005
  54. Pamir MN, Peker S: Exposures of third ventricle colloid cysts. 6th International Congress on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Nagoya, Japan, 2005
  55. Gerçek A, Peker S, Kılıç T, Özek MM, Pamir MN: Anesthetic approach in Gamma knife radiosurgery for pediatric patients. 12th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Wien, Austria, 2004
  56. Peker S, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN, “Gamma Knife radiosurgery for trigeminal schwannomas” 12th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Wien, Austria, 2004
  57. Atasoy BM, Peker S, Abacıoğlu U, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: The outcomes of patients with trigeminal schwannoma after stereotactic radiosurgery. 2nd ESTRO Meeting on Radiotherapy for Non-malignant Diseases. Nice, France, 2004
  58. Pamir MN, Kılıç T, Peker S, Sengöz M: Radiological and endocrinological results of pituitary adenomas treated with Gamma-Knife radiosurgery. 12 th European Congress of Neurosurgery, European Association of Neurological Societies (EANS), 7-12 September, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003.
  59. Gerçek A, Peker S, Doğan İV, Kılıç T, Özek MM, Pamir MN: Anesthetic approach to pediatric patients throughout gamma knife radiosurgery. Joint meeting of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia and the Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology, San Francisco, USA, 2003
  60. Peker S, Türe U, Pamir MN, Microvascular decompression for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, USA, 2002
  61. Peker S, Bayraklı F, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for meningiomas. 11th International meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife Society, Prague, Check Republic, 2002
  62. Peker S, Kılıç T, Abacıoğlu U, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife radiosurgery for trigeminal schwannomas. IVth International Congress on the Meningiomas, Istanbul, Türkiye 2002
  63. Kılıç T, Peker S, Şeker A, Akalın S, Erzen C, Pamir MN: Third year radiological and endocrinological results of pituitary adenomas. IVth International Congress on the Meningiomas, Istanbul, Türkiye 2002
  64. Kılıç T, Peker S, Konya D, Baltacıoğlu F, Çekirge S, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Second year follow-up results of arteriovenous malformations after Gamma Knife radiosurgery. IVth International Congress on the Cerebral Venous System, Istanbul, Türkiye 2002
  65. Peker S, Bayraklı F, Kılıç T, Şengöz M, Pamir MN: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas. IVth International Congress on the Meningiomas, Istanbul, Türkiye 2002
  66. Deyneli O, Yavuz D, Sezgin YÖ, Şeker A, Peker S, Şengöz M, Kılıç T, Pamir MN, Akalın S: Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Pituitary Tumors. 23rd Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey, Joint meeting with the European Federation of Endocrine Societies, İstanbul, Türkiye 2000
  67. Peker S, Kılıç T, Seker A, Sengöz M, Akalın S, Pamir N: Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Pituitary Adenomas. 10th International meeting of the Gamma Knife Society, Squaw Valley, USA, 2000
  68. Tekkök IH, Erbengi A, Peker S: Management of pediatric brain abscess. XIII th Congress of the ESPN, Berlin 1992
  69. Peker S, Palaoğlu S, Akpınar G, Erbengi A: Subdural empyemas in children. XIII th Congress of the ESPN, Berlin 1992
  70. Palaoğlu S, Bavbek M, Peker S, Önol B, Erbengi A: Ossified growth hormone secreting adenoma. EANS Winter meeting, Selanik, Greece, 1992
  71. Akkurt C, Peker S, Özcan OE, Özgen T, Sağlam S, Erbengi A: Thoracic disc disease. 17th Congress of Middle East Neurosurgical Society, Antalya 1989

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